Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Do Kids Ever Sleep?


Wow, I have been sooooo busy. Literally turning off my laptop at 3am.. ouch.

The main cause of this insomniac (bordering on maniacal) situation is The Ekokids of course. I've been preparing a knitting for beginners kit for months and thought I was almost there - and then that moment when you just know you've forgotten something important...

Ho, hum, I forgot the business plan. Of course when I started the "plan" - strike that - the "Plan" with a capital P,  I discovered all sorts of stuff that needed doing;

  • Sourcing materials: reliabilty and cost to consider
  • Customers: Oh yes, of course I do actually have to sell them to make this work. So who is my target audience?
  • Profit & Loss and Cashflow ..... groan don't even go there.

Anyway, I really am almost there now... And a pitch has already gone out to a very well-known business person, who I'm hoping will love the Ekokids as much as I do.

Knitting kits are just one part of this huge project. There are TV scripts waiting to be animated for re-submission to the BBC, board games and books in various stages of development........

But back to knitting. A few years ago, I created a 'string vest' collection of knitwear that is just starting to demand my attention again. This knitwear could perhaps be sold but I would like to share the patterns - it's on my 'to-do' list :-)

"Spider Stitch" 

This is a close up of the knitted stitches. It really is a project that beginners could do. Watch this space!

Happy Knitting

Linda x

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