Monday, 29 April 2013

Blue Hair & Cats

You don't have to have a blue rinse or a cat to create a family heirloom. Nothing wrong with blue hair or cats, but they aren't obligatory.

Knitting is one of the few hobbies that can be practised and perfected in minutes whenever you feel like it, and at a fraction of the cost of many hobbies.

Patterns for beginners have, until NOW, been a bit uninteresting :-), scarves and woolly hats are great but can be boring to knit, especially if you are an unseasoned knitter, and haven't yet got a cat.

So I've designed these patterns to suit everyone! The dolls, clothes and accessories are easy and quick to knit and don't cost anywhere near as much as a Barbie for example. In fact the Ekokids are an eco-version of Barbie. You can mix and match their clothes and create characters to suit the moment.

The Ekokids promote healthy living and are part of many projects - we're hoping to get a TV deal later in the year. For now, Kindle pattern books are available, and all going well.... drum roll please .... 'Knit-A-Kid' kits should be ready to launch by the end of this week. They contain all the tools and materials you need to make one character doll, and you'll have the tools available to make more whenever you want to!

The very first character kits will be made to order, and should be available online and in retail outlets in a few months.

Happy Knitting!

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